Attack on Titan - Eren Body Pillow
Product Details
Catalog No.NEODAI-4214
Product Type Collectible
[Product Price 9450yen + Domestic Shipping Cost 250yen + Service Fee 2000yen = 11700yen ] EMS shipping charge is not including. [In case you request for more than one item]: On our website, the domestic shipping cost and the service fee is included in the price of one of the items in your request. Please make sure to purchase all of them at the same time. If you make your purchase only partially, we will have to cancel the order. [In case you request for more than one quantity of the same item]: To purchase the quantity you specified, change quantity in your shopping cart after adding the product to your shopping cart. We will make a price adjustment after you place an order. Please note that in case the actual quantity of your purchase is different from your request, we might have to make a price adjustment later.
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